Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry 20th Edition

The Lexicomp Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry, 20th Edition, is the best-selling dental reference designed for dental professionals seeking clinically relevant information on medications, OTCs and herbal products. Information is presented in an easy-to-use, two-column format, with medications alphabetically indexed by brand and generic names as well as index terms. Within individual drug monographs, dental-specific fields are highlighted in red, a timesaving feature within an information-rich resource. Drug content is complemented by special sections dedicated to medically compromised patients, specific oral conditions and sample prescriptions. It features: 1760 drug monographs; Up to 43 fields of information per monograph; 200 natural products - adapted from Facts & Comparisons[registered] The Review of Natural Products; 103 sample prescriptions; Over 150 pages of Special Topics and Appendix information. Updates to this Edition: 60 New Drug Monographs. Updated Oral Medicine Topics: Perioral Premalignant Lesions and Management of Patients Undergoing Cancer Therapy; Viral Infections; Systemic Viral Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; and, Management of the Chemically Dependent Patient. Updated Appendix Information: Dentifrices: No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS); Dentifrices with Antigingivitis Agents; Desensitization and Remineralization Products; and, List of the Most Prescribed Drugs.